The UK e-cigarette Industry Association petitioned against a ban on e-cigarettes

The UK e-Cigarette Industry Association (UKVIA) has called on smokers, e-cigarette users and the wider industry to join a national petition urging the government not to ban single-use e-cigarettes and flavours.

According to UKVIA, the petition highlights the potential public health consequences of "excessive and counterproductive legislation" that reduces the effectiveness of e-cigarettes as a smoking cessation tool. The group says preventing the use of flavor and single-use cigarettes could prevent adult smokers from switching from combustible cigarettes to other cigarettes,such as heat not burn tobacco heatsticks.

UKVIA engages directly with its own members, advocacy groups and online communities to encourage consumers to pledge their support for the petition. UKVIA also ran a major social media campaign to maximise sign-ups and share stories of ex-smokers switching to e-cigarettes and heat not burn tobacco heatsticks.

"The prospect of severely restricting or banning single-use cigarette or e-cigarette flavors as part of an ongoing government consultation could be the biggest health setback of the century, threatening to undermine years of smoke-free progress," UKVIA director General John Dunne said in a statement.

"Under no circumstances should these products fall into the hands of minors, and there is no doubt that preventing youth access to e-cigarettes is vital, but this cannot be achieved by sacrificing the potential of adult smokers to quit." E-cigarette voices have largely fallen on deaf ears in government consultations, but they could fall victim to any punitive measures. We have therefore launched this petition to provide a platform for the millions of adult e-cigarette users who have quit smoking with the help of single-use e-cigarettes and fragrances - and it is vital that e-cigarette users across the country now come together to warn the government against taboos and harmful legislation."

The new petition is part of UKVIA's ongoing "Save e-cigarettes, Save Lives" campaign, which also includes providing information to association members to encourage and mobilise e-cigarette users to respond to the government's youth e-cigarette consultation.