Nicotine Does Not Actually Cause Cancer!

BBC documentary reveals the truth. Nicotine does not actually cause cancer!

According to reports, Rutgers University of New Jersey, USA, collected 1,020 doctors as the research object and finally showed that 80% of the doctors believed that nicotine was carcinogenic. In fact, it has not yet proven.

Aside from that, a British BBC documentary “E-Cigarettes(heat not burn sticks): Miracles or Threats” reveals the truth. Director Aaron Bilbo found: Many plants, such as tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, green peppers have nicotine.

In addition to that, Mr. Stanton Glantz, a leading professor in the field of tobacco research is even more blunt: the biggest “original sin” of nicotine is its addiction but there is not enough evidence for carcinogenicity.

The questions asked where, if nicotine doesn’t cause cancer, does that mean smoking is harmless?

1. Nicotine: the “culprit” of smoking addiction

The idea that “nicotine in tobacco does not cause cancer” may subvert some people’s cognition. As for why it is addictive, it is mainly because when the nicotine particles enter the brain and bind to the “nicotinic acetylcholine receptor”, it can produce a “happy transmitter” – the release of dopamine, which can make People produce happiness and satisfaction.

As well, nicotine alone does not appear in the list of carcinogens given by the International Agency for Cancer, cigarettes containing thousands of chemicals cannot take off the hat of “first-level carcinogens”. In this regard, FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb said that “Death and disease bring about by tobacco are basically caused by smoking addiction. If you want to solve the harm of smoking, you must overcome the problem of smoking addiction.

2. It has long been a recognized fact that smoking causes cancer

Although nicotine does not directly cause cancer, this does not mean that smoking is harmless to health. In fact, it is not nicotine that causes cancer during smoking but the chemicals hidden in tobacco smoke. The smoke contains more than 7,000 chemical components, including hundreds of harmful substances such as carbon monoxide, nitric oxide and other harmful gases; cadmium, lead, mercury and other heavy metals and radioactive substances. And there are more than 69 kinds of carcinogens, including N-nitrosamines, aromatic amines, formaldehyde and so on.

In addition to increasing the risk of cancer, smoking may also lead to the risk of chronic respiratory diseases, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes and other diseases. Therefore, smoking has many threats to human health, so it is recommended that you try not to have it.

3. Electronic cigarettes are not as “simple” as you think

The world’s authoritative medical journal “The Lancet” once pointed out that the low tar and nicotine properties of e-cigarettes(heatstick supplier manufacturer) will cause smokers to consume more tar due to “compensatory smoking”. Therefore, for electronic cigarettes, everyone should be cautious and cautious.

According to the estimates by the National Health and Health Commission, more and more teenagers are using e-cigarettes and among people aged 15 and over. However, the harm is not taken seriously. The nicotine contained in electronic cigarettes is easily addictive. If teenagers are exposed to nicotine, it can damage the parts of the brain that control attention, learning, and emotions and affect brain development. On the other hand, if adults are exposed, they are not immune because e-cigarettes also contain carcinogens such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which have an important impact on the development of cancer.

Therefore, for the sake of health, both traditional cigarettes and electronic cigarettes should be quit and the most important thing is to persevere. If necessary, you can seek professional help.