More than 3.08 million Youth users, 85% Use Flavored E-cigarettes

Federal data on youth tobacco(E-cigarettes & Conventional Tobacco) use in the 2022 National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS) were released in November by the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, according to foreign reports.

The findings show that by 2022, more than 1 in 10 middle school students (3.08 million) have used tobacco products in the past 30 days – including 16.5% of high school students and 4.5% of middle school students.


Current Use


11.3% (3.08 million) of middle and high school students reported current (last 30 days) use of any tobacco product;


About 3.7% (1 million) of students reported currently smoking any combustible tobacco product;


3.5% (960,000) reported current use of multiple (≥2) tobacco products;


Most Common Device Types


Electronic cigarettes (9.4%)


Cigars (1.9%)


Cigarettes (1.6%)


Smokeless (1.3%)


Hookah (1.1%)


Nicotine pouches (1.1%)


Heated Tobacco Products(Herbal heatsticks) (1.0%)


Tobacco (0.6%)


Demographics and social determinants of health


Current use of any tobacco product (last 30 days) (middle and high school):


13.5% of non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native (AI/AN) students


16.0% identified as lesbian, gay or bisexual


16.6% of transgender people


18.3% reported severe symptoms of psychological distress


12.5% ​​of people with low household wealth


27.2% of those with low academic achievement (mostly Fs)




Data for 2022 was collected between January and May 2022 using an online survey of U.S. middle school (grades 6-8) and high school (grades 9-12) students. The use of online surveys as part of classroom activities allows all eligible students to participate in class or at home during designated classroom hours, but most students complete the surveys in a classroom setting. Until 2021, the survey will only be conducted in a classroom setting. Due to changes in methodology, including differences in survey management and data collection procedures in recent years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the ability to compare the 2022 estimates with estimates from previous NYTS waves is limited.


In October 2022, the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released federal data from the 2022 National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS) on e-cigarette use among U.S. youth in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. – Cigarette use among middle and high school students – United States, 2022. “Adolescent e-cigarette use remains the FDA’s top concern. By 2022, approximately 1 in 10 or more than 2.5 million U.S. middle and high school students are currently vaping (in the past 30 days).


current use


Current e-cigarette use was reported by 14.1% (2.14 million) of high school students and 3.3% (380,000) of middle school students.


Flavored e-cigarette use


The vast majority of users (nearly 85%) currently use flavored e-cigarettes, with fruit flavors being the most popular, followed by candies, desserts or other sweets.


usage frequency


More than a quarter (27.6%) of youth e-cigarette users currently use e-cigarette products on a daily basis.


More than four in 10 teenage e-cigarette users reported using e-cigarettes on at least 20 of the past 30 days.


Equipment type  


The most commonly used devices among current users are disposables (55.3%), followed by prefilled/refillable capsules or refills (25.2%).


Commonly used brands


Current users report their top brands as: Puff Bar (14.5%), Vuse (12.5%), Hyde (5.5%) and SMOK (4%).




Data for 2022 was collected between January and May 2022 using an online survey of U.S. middle school (grades 6-8) and high school (grades 9-12) students. The use of online surveys as part of classroom activities allows all eligible students to participate in class or at home during designated classroom hours, but most students complete the surveys in a classroom setting. Compiled by Bluehole, until 2021, the survey will only be conducted in a classroom setting. Due to changes in methodology, including differences in survey management and data collection procedures in recent years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the ability to compare the 2022 estimates with estimates from previous NYTS waves is limited.


public education activities


FDA conducts several public education campaigns targeting young audiences to prevent youth initiation and use of tobacco. The FDA’s longest-running campaign, “The True Cost,” aims to educate teens about the health effects of smoking, and has prioritized vaping prevention information in recent years.


In the 2021 NYTS, 75.2% of middle and high school students reported seeing or hearing any anti-tobacco public education campaign advertisements in the past year. An estimated 15.8 million (60.9%) students report recognizing FDA’s “true cost” campaign ads: By school level, nearly two-thirds (65.8%) of high school students and more than half (54.8%) of middle school students report identifying true costs event advertisement.


However, public health education campaigns are not the only information teens receive and notice about tobacco products.


They may see advertisements for tobacco products while performing everyday activities such as going to a convenience store, supermarket or gas station; using the Internet; watching TV or streaming services or going to the movies; or reading a newspaper or magazine. In the 2021 NYTS, 75.7% of young adults who reported participating in these common activities reported exposure to the marketing or advertising of any tobacco product.


Of the students who reported using social media, 73.5% had seen vaping-related content.