Latest Tobacco News from Malaysia, USA, Indonesia & Philippines

Malaysian think tank wants to amend anti-smoking bill


It is reported that on August 15, a Malaysian think tank was urging the Parliamentary Select Committee (PSSC) to re-examine the Tobacco End of Generations (GEG) Act and delete Article 17 of the Act.


The provision makes it illegal for people born in 2007 and later to smoke, vape, and possess any tobacco product or smoking device.

Azrul Mohd Khalib, chief executive of the Galen Centre for Health and Social Policy, said the law should hold retailers, companies and businesses accountable for not selling or supplying tobacco and E-cigarettes(vape and HNB) products to the GEG generation.


In a statement, Azrul said: “Article 17 makes the proposed legislation vulnerable to charges of selective prosecution, stigmatizes and discriminates against a segment of the population, and marginalizes a group of people in need of support and assistance. Although we Despite their best efforts, there will still be people in the future GEG population who smoke, vape, and become addicted to nicotine. Should they be punished?”


“The legislation should ensure that it is illegal to sell or supply tobacco or vaping products to persons born after January 1, 2007.”


Azrul stressed that any nicotine addict has the right to be treated equally under the law with compassion and dignity. The GEG Act should not be allowed to disproportionately affect young people, low-income groups and vulnerable groups.


Source: Vaporvoice


Indonesia plans stricter tobacco control laws


On August 15, local time, according to the “Jakarta Post” report, the Indonesian government plans to strengthen its tobacco control laws to curb underage smoking.


Under a planned new regulation, the Ministry of Health is seeking to control the promotion and packaging of E-cigarette(heated herbal sticks) products, which have not been regulated since the legalization of E-cigarette products in 2018.

The ministry is also seeking to increase the size of graphic health warnings on tobacco packaging from 40 to 90 percent, ban the advertising and promotion of tobacco products, and ban the sale of single cigarettes. In addition to revising existing tobacco regulations, the government plans to further increase excise duties on cigarettes next year.


Indonesia, which has long been known for its lax tobacco laws, is one of the few countries in Asia that has not ratified the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, and the only country in Southeast Asia that still allows cigarette advertising on television and print media.


For the new law, Imran Agus Nurali, director of health promotion and community empowerment at the Ministry of Health, said in a webinar on August 11 that the number of underage smokers continued to increase every year, especially since E-cigarette products since legalization.


He stressed the need for stronger measures to reduce tobacco consumption to protect future generations from the effects of smoking.


“Banning the advertising, sponsorship and promotion of tobacco products is also critical, as around 65% of Indonesian children are exposed to tobacco advertising through television, point-of-sale advertising and billboards, according to the 2019 Global Youth Tobacco Survey,” he said.


Source: tobaccoreporter


Philippines to issue draft rules for E-cigarette products


It is reported that on August 11, local time, the Philippine Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) stated that it was drafting the implementation rules and regulations of the Electronic Atomization Product Management Act.


“Now that DTI is designated as the executive government agency, they will have to abide by the law,” Ruth Castelo, DTI’s undersecretary for consumer protection, said at a public briefing at Laging Handa, according to the Manila Bulletin.

“In these days, we will begin consultations with the FDA and then a public consultation,” Castelo said, noting that by law they have to submit an internal audit report by the deadline. The law, which came into effect on July 25, 2022, requires DTI to propose an internal rate of return within 3 months of its entry into force.


The E-cigarette Products Administration Act regulates and regulates the import, manufacture, sale, packaging, distribution, use and exchange of nicotine and non-nicotine products, as well as novel tobacco products. Under the law, manufacturers have three months to notify the Ministry of Trade and Industry before placing a new nicotine product on the market.


Source: Vaporvoice


|A study in the United States shows that “electronic vaping products can reduce smoking, but will not increase dependence on it”


According to reports, on August 17, local time, the Pennsylvania State University School of Medicine released a new study that electronic vaping products can help people reduce their dependence on combustible cigarettes without increasing their overall dependence on nicotine.


The researchers recruited 520 participants who were interested in reducing their cigarette intake but did not have a smoking cessation program and instructed them to reduce their cigarette consumption during the six-month study period. Participants were randomized to receive a vaping product containing 36 mg/mL, 8 mg/mL, or 0 mg/mL nicotine, or a tobacco-free cigarette substitute, to help them reduce their cigarette consumption.


After six months, participants in all vaping product groups reported a significant decrease in their cigarette consumption, with those with 36 mg/mL smoking the least number of cigarettes per day. In the Penn State Cigarette Dependence Index, people in the vaping product group reported significantly lower dependence than those in the cigarette-substitute group.


“Our findings suggest that using vaping products or cigarette alternatives to reduce cigarette consumption can lead to a reduction in cigarette use and dependence among smokers,” said Jessica Yingst, director of the Ph.D. Program in Public Health at the School of Medicine. “Importantly, The use of high-concentration vaping products does not increase overall dependence on nicotine and is more effective in reducing smoking than cigarette alternatives.”


Source: Vaporvoice