Flavored E-cigarettes Are Twice As Effective As Tobacco In Helping Adults Quit Smoking

International research: Flavored e-cigarettes are twice as effective as tobacco in helping adults quit smoking


According to foreign news reports, a large-scale international study involving nearly 18,000 participants showed that flavored e-cigarettes (heet heatsticks)  are twice as effective as tobacco in helping adults quit smoking. Also, flavored e-cigarettes will not cause more young people to smoke.


At the time of this study, the New Zealand bill is awaiting progress in the parliamentary order document. The bill stipulates that general retailers such as dairy factories, supermarkets and service stations only allow the sale of three e-cigarette products: tobacco, menthol and menthol.


In addition to that, Ben Pryor co-owner of VAPO and Alt the largest e-cigarette brand in New Zealand said that, this research overwhelmingly proves that ingredients helps more adults quit smoking and does not attract more young people to smoke. In light of this compelling research, our members of Congress now need to amend the bill and maintain the convenience for adults to use popular flavors. There is no doubt that flavored e-cigarettes are the key to a smoke-free (heat not burn sticks) future in New Zealand,


As well, the study titled “The Association of Flavored E-cigarette Intake and Subsequent Smoking Initiation and Smoking Cessation” has been published on Jama Network-Journal of the American Medical Association.


The researchers concluded that: “E-cigarettes with flavors have nothing to do with the increase in the number of young smokers. But, it is related to a greater factor in adults quitting. Those who prefer non-tobacco flavors are more likely to quit smoking than those who use tobacco-flavored e-cigarettes.


Mr. Pryor also said that, “We only want our government to follow the evidence, not the emotions. As the researchers concluded, “increasing smoking cessation among the 18 to 54-year-old population has a substantial impact on the health of the population.” The way to achieve this goal is to ensure that smokers are eager to quit smoking provided with a variety of e-cigarette flavors.