E-cigarettes have Not Led to an Increase in Teen Smoking

According to Canadian media reports, titled “Canada, British, and American teenagers electronic cigarette smoking, thru cross-sectional survey research shows that after years of continued to decline; youth smoking increased significantly. With that, the Canadian association of electronic cigarettes health authorities and parents shocked all over the country.

Many have blamed atomization for its sudden rise in among young people. However, the publication of Health, Canada’s Canadian Student Tobacco, Alcohol and Drug Survey (CSTADS) has led to a forced correction. And this will be published in the BMJ.

“In the original BMJ paper, the change in smoking rates in Canada over the past 30 days from 2017 to 2018 was reported to be 10.7% to 15.5% which statistically increase and is now being weighted to 10.7% to 10.0% with no significant change.”

In conclusion to that, youth smoking rates are continuing to decline. Indicating that vaping is not a gateway to combustible tobacco.

Darryl Tempest, executive director of CVA said that “CVA has been a proponent of protecting youth from nicotine addiction. As well, we are pleased to see that incorrect information has been corrected as erroneous statistics previously reported in this study have been used to justify legislation targeting the most successful harm reduction products on the market”.

For the sixth year in a row, the Royal College of Physicians has concluded that vaping is at least 95% less harmful than traditional smoking. E-cigarettes(heat not burn herbal sticks) are intended as a harm reduction tool for adult smokers and are not suitable for young people or non-smokers. E-cigarettes have repeatedly proven to be the most effective smoking cessation product in the world with 83% percent smokers that are more likely successful to quit smoking through e-cigarettes than any other cessation product.

The CVA says that as a community, we all work to ensure that young people are not harmed. Therefore, it is essential that the research on the harm of e-atomization will be accurate as many measures taken to protect young people. In addition to that, it can adversely affect adult smokers to reduce their harm.

Data accurately shows that there is no link about youth smoking that legislation must reflect to this to save the lives of millions of Canadian smokers. For, E-cigarettes are the most successful harm reduction tool and not an entry point for smoking. Among them, China have most amount of heatsticks manufacturers so far.